Posted by: mommyinmotion | August 19, 2009

Test Day

John is going to Jackson today to take his physical for the police academy. I hope he does well. He told me that he feels very confident that he will pass, I am just nervous for him. This is a very important thing for our family- and I want him to do well. I would cross my fingers, but it makes typing and dialing the phone here at work difficult!

Speaking of tests.Sian had his very first graded test in school- and he got 100%! I am so proud of him- it was a reading test and he really struggles. I think it’s great that he is trying so hard though! As a reward, we made a special dessert and decided that we would sign him up for soccer with his school As long as Sian can show us that he is going to study and work hard, then I think he deserves to be able to run around with his friends and play a sport.

I was never very active in sports- so this should be interesting. Especially since I decided to volunteer to help out with the team. Which means that Fiona will be there too, so both kids are going to be getting some great exercise. I just wish I knew something about soccer!!

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